Chiropractic Testimonials
"Dr. DuPuy is very knowledgeable, professional, and caring. I am so glad we have found this practice. They are naturally minded and a great solution if you’re ready to deal with the pain. Thanks, Dr. DuPuy!"
- Simi E.
"Ive been a patient of Dr. Joes now for about a year. Prior to finding DuPuy Family Chiropractic I had been to multiple different Doctors and had been suffering with lower back pain, sciatica and plantar fascitis for over 2 years. I have a very physical job and had many injuries in my past. I was angry, depressed and tired all the time at the age of 30. I was referred to Dr. Joe by a friend at work who had a great experience. When I finally decided to give Chiropractic a try I was seriously impressed with Dr. Joes educational process but I still had my doubts and was afraid I was just going to waste my time and money again. I committed to the process and did exactly what he told me to do over the course of 6 months. Not only did he recommend chiropractic, he recommended nutritional supplements, stretches, lifestyle changes, dietary changes and ergonomics. I was up and down with more ups than downs in the first 6 months. However, the last 6 months I have felt the best I have felt in my adult life. Im a better husband, father and employee. Im down 25 lbs and Im sleeping better than I ever have. I have my life back. I recommend Chiropractic and Dr. Joe DuPuy to everyone I know. Im living proof that if you follow his recommendations there is hope and healing is possible. My family and I are so thankful for Dr. Joe and his staff!"
- Daniel M.
"I highly recommend the Dupuy Family Chiropractic. My experience here is by far the best service an care you can ask for."
- Michael H.
"I highly recommend the Dupuy Family Chiropractic. My experience here is by far the best service an care you can ask for."
- Terrah L.
"I starting going because I had some neck and back pain. I've seen some very good progress so far! Dr. Joe not only cares about your spine but he helps you with your overall health. He helped motivate me to get back in the gym and I've lost 11 1/2 pounds since New Years. Last week I had a back/neck injury at the gym that I was sure would set me back for a while but I went in and He found the problem and fixed it right away. I'm a forklift operator so I always look forward to my adjustments after work. If you're skeptical, Dupuy Family Chiropractic will change your mind!! You'll always be greeted by friendly folks when you walk in. Dr Joe is a great guy even if he is an Ohio State fan lol!"
- TJ H.
"I started seeing Dr Joe about 2 weeks ago and cannot express enough how much he has helped me with my scartic nerve pain I have felt so much better and he sincerely cares about his patients."
- Sylvia K.
"Lengthy but well worth reading. To see how much DuPuy Family Chiropractic has helped me in my condition.
On March 3 2017, I had a work place injury. That left me severely injured on my L4-L5 and a mild injury on my L3-L4. Later to be diagnosed with nerve damage on my right side. Spent several months in physical therapy to avoid surgery. In June of 2018, to be told my only option was to proceed with the surgery."
"I asked and request for other options. Like seeing if I could be approved for a massage therapist or a chiropractor. To be told that was not an option and that if I proceeded to see one. It would end any medical assistance from my workplace. Therefore, on June 15, 2018 I went with the surgery. Year later still no relief on my lower back. Still in severe pain. Hurting to stand straight up, sit and stand for any length of time. Told by the doctor to have a spinal cord stimulator put in to give relief. Therefore on July 31, 2019, I had it put in. Months later still no relief. It was in March 2020, I was told there was no hope for me to have any relief from the severe pain. That all visits to a doctor was ended through my workplace and that I no longer had a job. Due to being out of work for over a year.
At that point, my only hope was to have my back fused or start researching chiropractors in the Greenville area. Trying to make the right choice. I prayed on it one night to wake up the next morning with DuPuy Family Chiropractic on my Facebook page. The reviews just stood out and made me feel as if it was faith. Later that day, I made a call and Joe DuPuy answered the phone. We spent awhile discussing my issues and the pain I was in. He said he could relate with me and knew the pain I was in. The feelings I had during that call. As if God was speaking through him to me. Joe never promised me anything, but told me that if I had faith in him and could give him just 3 months. Before making any decision on the back fusion. That he felt that he could get me to 65-70% better and off all my meds. In just a month with Joe. I have been able to do things that I was unable to do in over 3 years. I feel at least 75% better today then I did before coming to Joe.
For I could not carry nor care for my daughter since she was 7 months old. The way a father should be able. I could not assist in daily task around the house like a husband should. Had to lean on my son to step up and do everything for me. Unable to participate in daily activities and my passions. Due to this injury and pain I was in. It put so much stress on my wife and family. Today I know I made the right decision to call Joe’s chiropractic office. The relief I see in my family’s eyes and tone. For the first time in over 3 years. I was able to pick up my daughter and carry her. A big deal to me, but a bigger deal to my daughter. To hear her tell her mom that her daddy can carry her. To hear her say daddy found a doctor that helped fix daddy’s back. To receive the biggest hug a daughter can give you while crying in joy.
I’m not 100% recovered, but with my willingness to get better and my faith that God lead me to DuPuy Family Chiropractic. I will be!"
- Tim H.
"I have never been adjusted before seeing Dr. Joe, and I must say my back is feeling much better.
He took the time to talk with me and make me feel comfortable and excited for my health journey with him. If you’re in the upstate make sure to stop by and pay Dr. Joe a visit!"
- Maddie S.
"Just. left DuPuy Chiropractic and never felt better. Awesome job! He treats you like family. Feel great! I highly recommend!"
- Chris C.
"Love Dr. Joe! He’s great and makes it fun for my kids. Definitely recommend him for you and your family."
- Krystal N.
"Dr. Joe is awesome!! I have been going to see him for 9 years and I'm the healthiest I've ever been. He focuses on helping you get healthy and keeping you that way. Highly recommend!"
- Ashley H.
"Dr. Joe is great he focuses on the whole person; not only thru adjustments but also thru education and encouraging a healthy lifestyle. I’ve been going only a few short weeks and have already noticed an improvement in my blood pressure. I had no idea that chiropractic care could make such an improvement. I’d highly recommend him!"
- Nathaniel W.

7:30am - 9:15am
11:30am - 12:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
11:00am - 1:00pm
7:30am - 9:15am
11:30am - 12:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
7:30am - 9:15am
11:30am - 12:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
7:30am - 9:15am
Saturday & Sunday
7:30am - 12:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
10:00am - 1:00pm
7:30am - 12:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
7:30am - 12:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
7:30am - 9:15am
Saturday & Sunday
DuPuy Family Chiropractic
1209 NE Main Street C
Simpsonville, SC 29681